CBD Oil and its Super Benefits for Your Health

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-narcotic, and legal compound present in marijuana. The part of marijuana that gives a “high” is THC. CBD contains NO THC, and therefore is not an illegal drug. There has been a lot of debate revolving around the use of marijuana for medical purposes, however, the introduction of CBD, particularly CBD oil, seems to be changing things. There are numerous health supplement reviews which show some great promise in CBD Oil for people of all ages.
It has been found that cannabidiol oil does have many benefits for the health, and if used in the appropriate dosage, it could also turn out to be an effective choice of treatment for many disorders.
CBD Oil – An Overview: Cannabis contains more than 60 different compounds, of which, CBD makes for those that are present in the highest concentrations. While the amount of CBD present differs among different plants, using selective breeding techniques, many experts have managed to develop varieties of cannabis containing high levels of CBD, and have used it to develop CBD oil, which is now being accepted for many medicinal purposes thanks to its powerful action.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: It has been found that CBD oil, when used in the correct proportions, could help reduce inflammation associated with many disorders, particularly autoimmune diseases. Experts at the Imperial College, London tested CBD extracts on subjects who were affected by arthritis, and found that it managed to reduce inflammation by 50%, which is impressive.
Sedative Action: The sedative action of marijuana could be credited to CBD itself, which is why, CBD oil could be used to deal with many different signs and symptoms associated with different disorders. The pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders is best treated by the use of CBD oil. In addition, it could also be used to deal with symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and bowel problems, which are often hard to control.
Diabetes Prevention: Several experts now bet by the ability of CBD oil to protect against diabetes. Infact, a notable study conducted recently revealed that when the subjects (who were known to definitely develop diabetes in their future) were treated with CBD during the first few weeks of their life, the risk of developing diabetes was reduced by upto 70% as compared to the placebo. What’s more, the researchers believe that CBD doesn’t merely prevent the onset of diabetes, it actually stops its development.
Anti-Psychotic Effects: When it comes to dealing with psychiatric conditions such as Schizophrenia, CBD oil could prove to be quite effective. It has been found that it could turn out to be an effective alternative treatment for this psychotic disease, and is well tolerated too. CBD oil works by stabilizing the disrupted and disabled pathways in the brain. Infact, it has also proved its credibility by demonstrating its effectiveness in a small study considering 42 Schizophrenia patients, where it managed to significantly decrease the intensity of psychotic symptoms. In addition, it was also more effective than standard treatment options, since it caused fewer side effects.
Furthermore, it has also been found powerful in reducing anxiety in those affected by social anxiety disorder, and managed to decrease social isolation as well.
Anti-Tumoral Power: The anti-tumoral action of CBD oil is probably its best and worthy feature, which makes it one of the best natural treatments for many forms of cancer. Many experiments have revealed that these extracts could prevent the spread of cancer by targeting the tumor cells and reducing their ability to divide and spread.
Other Benefits: Apart from these, CBD oil also offers loads of other health benefits associated with its consumption.
- When taken in conjunction with anticonvulsant medications, CBD oil managed to reduce the severity and occurrence of seizures, and even completely stop their occurrence as well in patients suffering from epilepsy.
- A particular dosage of CBD given right after a heart attack could also possibly reduce intract size by up to 66%.
- Cannabidiol extracts have also been found effective against cancers. It was found to reduce the proliferation of cancer cells, reduce tumor growth and prevent metastasis as well.
- CBD oil can also help suppress appetite naturally.
- CBD extracts may also help promote relief from anxiety and other symptoms associated with social interaction.
- In many animal models of depression, cannabidiol oil has also demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing depression.
- The consumption of marijuana is thought to produce a high, and CBD when present in higher concentrations, can help reduce this high as well as its associated effects such as memory impairment and paranoia.
- CBD oil also possibly help combat sleepiness and improve alertness in general.
- A review published in the British Journal of Pharmacology has revealed many potential health benefits associated with the consumption of CBD oil. It has highlighted its antioxidant action which could be effective against many neurodegenerative disorders, anti-depressant action for many depression related conditions and its powerful antiemetic properties which fight nausea and vomiting.
- Cannabidiol oil could also possibly help stop or reduce the intensity of pain in many cases. Infact, its efficacy when it comes to analgesic action has been compared to that of morphine as well.
- Many studies have focused on the use of CBD oil for breast cancer, and as expected, the oil did manage to diminish the number of cells by targeting the cancer causing gene. Infact, it could possibly turn out to be an effective non-toxic therapy for aggressive forms of cancer.
- The neuroprotective effects of CBD oil could make it the next best treatment for many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.
Points to Remember: While the use of CBD oil isn’t associated with any lethal overdose for now, it is important to note that it should be taken in the appropriate dosage only, and after the recommendation of a healthcare provider.
CBD oil may contain certain compounds which could interfere with the functioning of some medications and drugs, which is why, it is advised to check with your doctor before starting its use.
Lastly, while most of these health benefits are validated by studies or experts, a lot of research is yet to be carried out to confirm the credibility of cannabidiol oil for its said benefits.
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