The Benefits of MCT Oil

MCTs are Medium Chain Triglycerides, which essentially fatty acids. They are made of extracts and processing from coconut oil plus palm kernel oil. They are used as alternative for usual fats, which are also known as LCTs or Long Chain Triglycerides.

MCTs vs LCTs
MCT gets its name from its chemical composition. They differ from usual fatty acids by number of carbon atoms in their chain. While regular dietary LCTs have 18 to 22 carbons per chain. These type of fat is seen in most common human diet. MCT fats are composed of less than 12 (6 to 12) carbon atoms per chain in contrast. Though that doesn’t sound like much of a difference, it is drastically different when compared on benefits.

Benefits of MCT
While there are many points to write here, let us first look at what makes MCTs scientifically better for human consumption. Knowing simple fact that MCTs are made of lesser carbons per chain, it is easier for human digestive system to break it and burn it. As a result, these fats are absorbed and burnt at much faster rate than regular LCTs.coconut_oil

  1. Faster metabolism means, quicker release of glucose for burning. This is an essential requirement for those involved in extreme energy requirements. MCTs are used for intake in athletes, who require extra endurance for sports like running and swimming. MCTs are also used in patients who are in need for extra energy like those who are recovering from a surgery, aged patients and athletes recovering from injuries.
  2. MCTs are good for those who are looking to shed some weight. Rate of burning of fat, also known as thermogenesis, is increased after intake of MCTs. Faster metabolism of MCTs act as double advantage point. MCTs are not stored as fats in body unlike LCTs due to faster metabolism. Also, the number of calories burnt for metabolism will be more comparatively. Clinical trials in many countries have proven MCTs to be better for obese people. They also produce comparatively less calories.
  3. MCTs also help in reducing appetite and calorie intake. When experimented during clinical trials, it was found that, MCTs produce much lesser calories than other regular fats and can be used as alternatives in fat rich foods.
  4. Other major benefit of MCTs, made use of widely today, is for medical purposes. Being a fat which is easier to absorb means, they can be used for patients who have digestive problems. Term malabsorption problems is used for such conditions. Some common diseases related to gastro intestinal systems like Crohn’s disease, biliary cirrhosis etc.
  5. Absorption of some elements like amino acids, calcium and magnesium is found to increase when MCTs are taken. Hence, MCTs are sometimes recommended for infants and newborns who have absorption problems.
  6. There are other areas where MCTs have shown promise. MCTs have properties of hypoglycemia, which helps in lowering blood sugar. It is hence recommended for those suffering from diabetes or showing signs of diabetes. Also, some clinical trials have claimed that MCTs have properties which help in prevention of cardiovascular and atherosclerosis related problems. Countries with higher consumption of coconut oil, in which MCTs are found in high percentage, are seem to be less prone for death due to heart diseases.
  7. MCTs help in preventing muscle loss. MCTs produce Acetones which help as source of energy for muscles and also help in carrying proteins to muscles.

Benefits of MCT clearly outweigh its cons. MCTs also have shown side effects like gastric problems and nausea upon higher quantity consumption, so while there is no evidence to show long term side effects of MCT Oil consumption, it is advised to use sparingly.

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