Nootropic Supplement: Adderin Review

Adderin Review

A hot nootropic supplement that has hit the shelves has been catching our attention the last several weeks. We decided to dig in a little bit further to see what we could learn about the supplement named Adderin.

Is Adderin “The Little Blue Pill” for Your Brain?

You all know what “little blue pill” we’re referring to. Adderin has several ingredients packed into each capsule of this nootropic which are supposed to help users attain the following benefits:

  • More intense focus – helping to clear your mind to better process information
  • Stronger mental clarity – helping to enhance the neurotransmitters in your brain via natural ingredients
  • Increased cognitive precision – helping to improve memory and learning abilities
  • Effective nootropic supplement fomula – powerful, proven and all-natural ingredients

Unlocking Your Brain’s Untapped Potential
A lot of people talk about how humans only use a minuscule percentage of their brain capacity.  Some studies say 10%, others say it’s higher than that. Regardless, we can agree that most of us do not use our brains for all that they are capable of.

What would happen if you unlocked YOUR brain’s potential? Adderin just may be that key to unlock your potential. Read on…

Feel the Effects in 30 Minutes
Users of Adderin report that they can feel the effects after 30 minutes of taking their dose. The ingredients in each dose are rapidly absorbed since these are natural, non-pharmaceutical ingredients:

  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Alpha GPC
  • Huperzine A
  • Vinpocetine
  • L-Tyrosin

About the Ingredients in Adderin

These ingredients have been shown to have excellent effects on cognition. Bacopa Monnieri has been used in holistic treatments for hundreds of years, with people using this plant to help people with anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, and other physical ailments. Studies are currently being conducted to see how Bacopa Monnieri can help as a treatment for other mental illnesses.

Alpha GPC has some initial studies backing that it can help with cognitive decline, but evidence is somewhat limited on human brains. In laboratory testing, rodents were found to have improved cognition with doses of Alpha GPC. This is something to keep an eye out for, especially since it has been shown to have some success with treating Alzheimer’s patients.

Huperzine A falls into the same category as Alpha GPC, where there are limited trials showing that it has some success in helping with Alzheimer’s Disease. It is important to note that neither Alpha GPC nor Huperzine A are treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease, so please do not purchase Adderin thinking it will help someone with Alzheimer’s. As always, consult your primary care physician prior to taking any health supplement to make sure that it won’t interact with anything you’re currently taking.

The Verdict

Adderin is a nootropic supplement designed to help boost the brain of a healthy individual, to help them tap into extra energy and mental clarity that they desire. If you’re looking for a brain boost, this is a supplement that you should check out!


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