Butter in Your Coffee: The Benefits (Part 2)

As promised, here is the second part of our series on drinking coffee with butter, also known as “Bulletproof Coffee.” Dave Asprey has done a tremendous amount of research on coffee, its benefits, and how to create the ultimate cup of “Bulletproof Coffee.”

Stop Drinking Cheap Coffee!

One of the areas that Dave Asprey has brought to light has been the downside of drinking cheap, low-quality coffee. The problem with these cheap brands is the fact that a lot of those brands contain a lot of mold in them. There are relatively low standards for checking mold growth in coffee, meaning the generic coffee sitting in your office coffeemaker is likely chock full of mold and other toxins, albeit at low levels. These don’t cause immediate harm, but by consuming them over and over on a daily basis isn’t exactly the best for your body. Instead, you should seek to find high-quality coffee that is mold and toxin-free.

COFFEEThe reason we point this out first, is that in order to experience all of the potential benefits of drinking coffee, you should first start with the best you can get your hands on.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee activates positiveĀ feelings of well-being, and help to boost your mood. This is due to the increase in serotonin that is generated in your brain by caffeine. Simply put, it’s possible to become a happier, more positive person by drinking a cup of coffee!

Benefits of Butter in Your Coffee

If you read Part 1 of our Butter in Your Coffee series, you saw our recipe for making the ultimate, good-fat-friendly cup of Joe. That recipe calls for using grass-fed butter in order to make your cup of coffee. The benefits of grass-fed butter are pretty incredible:

  • Nutritionally dense, so it is packed with vitamins and minerals
  • 500 IU of Vitamin A
  • High quantity of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K2
  • Higher amount of carotenes than in a serving of carrots

Cows are not genetically built to eat corn and grain; they should eat grass. You can tell the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed butter by looking at the color. With no artificial coloring added, grass-fed butter has a bright, yellow color. This means that it comes from healthy cows.

The butter you put into your coffee really matters! By utilizing a high-quality butter, you’re ensuring that you give your body the best possible fats that it can take.

Benefits include:

  • Helping to reduce mental illness
  • Improving brain health
  • Boosting body composition
  • Increasing the metabolism
  • Helping improve gut health

This is not even touching upon all of the benefits that good fats have on your body. As we discussed in a previous article on foods that burn belly fat, your body requires good fats to burn fat. Yes, you read that correctly! Fat is needed to burn fat. It sounds counter-intuitive, but the results are there: Consuming good fats leads to a boosted metabolism, better health, and less food cravings.

Have you tried putting butter in your coffee? Have you noticed an increase in energy? If you’ve tried it for weight loss, we’d also like to hear what you’ve experienced. Please leave us your comments below!

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