How to Control Holiday Stress

There’s no doubt that the holidays increase our stress levels. We go bouncing around from party to party, event to event, store to store… Did we buy for everyone on our list? Did we forget anyone? It’s enough to drive us crazy!
Tips to Control Holiday Stress
First – Slow down!
Remember to enjoy the holiday with your loved ones. Don’t just try to get through the next few weeks. Savor the time with your friends and loved ones. Eat great food, savor each bite of tasty dessert, and rejoice with people you love.
Find something to look forward to, whether it’s your friend’s best dish, or it’s a present you want to buy for someone you care about. If you focus on getting through the holiday season, you’ll miss out on some great moments.
Next, get your rest.
We’ll have some tips in the next couple of days on how to make sure that you control holiday stress and take care of your weight. Be sure to stay tuned for that.
You’ve got to get your rest, which means getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Sleep doesn’t accumulate, so you can’t sleep 16 hours on Saturday to make up for a crappy Friday… Sorry guys!
If you get your rest, you’re more likely to stay healthy. Nobody likes being sick during the holidays. Stress and lack of sleep is one of the big contributing factors to getting ill during the winter months.
Take time for yourself.
It’s OK to be selfish sometimes. Can you go onto Groupon and find a great deal on a massage? You’d be surprised how many weekday deals for massages can be found online. For less than $50, you can often get a 30-40 minute relaxation massage that will help rejuvenate your mind and body.
Is there a spa you can go to for a couple of hours? How about meditating for a few minutes? Do some diaphragmatic breathing exercises to help ease your brain from the hustle and bustle of the season. Taking time for yourself will help you feel more calm and relaxed.
Are you taking the right vitamins? Take a look at Calm, an all-natural anti-stress supplement. We take Calm on a daily basis, and have noticed a huge difference in our mood and overall stress levels.
We hope that you’ll be able to implement some of these tips to control holiday stress and enjoy yourself over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for more tips to improve your health and wellness that’ll be coming at you over the next few days!
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