Dr. Amen’s Brain Power Basics

One of the nation’s renowned psychiatrists, Dr. Daniel Amen, has become well known for his line of products that are designed to help with overall well-being. One of his products is called Brain Power Basics which claims to support not only short-term memory, but also sleep, focus, brain health, and energy. Dr. Amen has taken the time needed to ensure that all of his products are aimed at helping individuals who want to improve mental cognition and improve memory. This has become the only daily supplement found that can help with supporting energy, increased mental cognition and function, alertness, concentration and focus. These are all areas everyone can benefit from no matter how old or young you are.
Being more alert can help with your daily routine and allows you to stay alert even at work once that 3 pm drag tends to kick in. We all experience some portion of our day where we begin to crash and become sleepy or fatigued, and with the right nutrients in our body, this can be eliminated!
Clinical studies have been done over the years that show how the brain works and how a number of supplements on the market these days can help with improving the well-being of the mind and brain.
Imagine being able to recall information such as addresses, appointments and even something as simple as paying your bills on time. Some people have difficulty recalling information which can come from many things including age, dementia, and plaque in the brain, reduced blood flow and enlargement of the brain’s fluid-filled ventricles. Dr. Amen works hard to provide consumers with products to help with improving the mind and brain’s ability to with hold information with ease.
Alertness is increased as is calmness and other cognitive functions of the mind. This product is made from all-natural ingredients to increase the ability to concentrate on tedious activities and more. Brain Power Basics was derived based off the results of several clinical and scientific studies. Volunteers offered to test this product out and among these volunteers were football players who reported seeing an increase in their mood, energy levels and other cognitive functions.
Ingredients in Brain Power Basics
There are several ingredients in Brain Power Basics that help your mind work at an increased level. Fish oil is one of the main ones and with so many benefits fish oil can really help with the mind as well. Other ingredients you can rely on to help improve mind function include:
- Omega 3: with 1600mg brain and heart function are improved drastically
- NeuroVite Plus: a multi-vitamin in addition to antioxidant that contains enzymes to increase digestion while including more than 50 nutrients, minerals and vitamins
- Brain and memory power boost: the heart of this product which contains N-Acetyl-Cysteine which is an antioxidant to help improve cell membrane health, Huperzine A and Acetyl-L-Carnitine for support of neurotransmitters and Ginkgo Biloba to help with increasing the brains blood flow to increase function
- Vitamin B6 helps increase energy throughout the body
- Calcium
- Vitamin B1
- Zinc
- Folic Acid
How Brain Power Basics Performs
There are 3 formulas which provide you with well over 60 vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids and phytonutrients. All of these nutrients and ingredients work together in one powerful formula that supports optimal brain health as well as overall body well-being.
Blood flow is increased to the brain which means increased memory, concentration, alertness and focus. Being made from organic ingredients means you experience fewer negative side effects. This has quickly become a hot product on the market and published research has shown this to be an effective product that millions of consumers are integrating into their daily lifestyle. By taking 1 packet 2 times daily, you can take advantage of increase mental capacity and more.
If you read around online you’ll see that there are several reviews showing this product to work effectively and relatively fast. Some people see and feel results in a few uses while others will have to use it for a longer time frame before noticing any changes.
If you or someone you know are struggling with memory problems or just want to improve alertness and concentration, this can be the answer you’ve been looking for all along. However, as with any product you decide to take you want to ensure you talk to your doctor before taking this supplement as some people taking current medications may experience interactions in some cases. While the ingredients are all-natural and organic, some cases and medications can lead to interactions for some people but for the most part this is not the case.
Ensuring your body works properly can be compared to that of maintaining your car, and with the aid of this supplement you can ensure everything is up to par and running smoothly on a daily basis. These supplements help to fuel the brain to help it work at its optimal peak. You can solve problems faster and recall vital information with ease as opposed to forgetting things. You can get back on track with addresses, remembering appointments, and more.
Being able to recall vital information is rewarding and as the brain ages, mental cognition tends to decrease. You’re able to have more confidence in yourself. Dr. Amen brings this product to consumers to help gain that confidence some search for when they feel their memory starting to slip and with overwhelming evidence showing the effectiveness, Brain Power Basics is now seen in the homes of consumers everywhere.
Increasing your memory and improving concentration can help you focus on things a lot easier especially in those who are older. Along with this supplement many adults will take part in brain games that will help keep skills and cognition sharp and focused. This is a great supplement to incorporate into your daily routine and can also be great for people who may have beginning stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Consumers everywhere are seeing the benefit of Dr. Amen’s Brain Power Basics can offer and now you can too!
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