Get Rid of Man Boobs

So, if you’re looking to get rid of man boobs, you’ve come to the right place. Man boobs are also referred to medically as gynecomastia. This condition affects more than 50% of men these days, so if you’re dealing with man boobs, you’re definitely not alone. Men everywhere want to know how to eliminate them as it doesn’t look to eye-appealing to the ladies when they take their shirt off at the gym or even at home. It is possible to get rid of man boobs with some dietary changes as well as specific exercises that target fat in your chest.
Why Men Get Boobs
There are a few reasons as to why men get boobs and the first one comes down to their weight. Simply being overweight or having some extra pounds on you can play a huge role in having man boobs. Fat is distributed on the body and while some men gain it all in one area, other gain it in multiple areas; one being the chest area. Some people are under the impression you can do spot exercises to get rid of them but because they are fatty deposits, you don’t get to choose where fat accumulates and this means you need to shed weight and fat overall.
The other reason for man boobs is due to gynecomastia which is a medical condition that results in man boobs. This is a condition that deals with hormones in the body produce excessive estrogen and a lower amount of testosterone. This can also come as a result of certain medications. It’s a common side effect for some medications that have an influence on hormones in the body.
Getting rid of man boobs can be tricky, and keep in mind won’t happen overnight. It takes dedication and determination, but here are some helpful tips to help eliminate them.
We all know how beneficial cardio exercise is to your body. It helps burn off a significant amount of calories in a short amount of time. It helps create a caloric deficit which is key to losing weight and fat accumulated in the body.
Interval training is the best route to go if you are doing cardio. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. There are some great HIIT training apps available for your smartphone so that you can time your workouts appropriately. These are great exercises to do, because it kick starts the metabolism. The level of intensity is fantastic. It expends higher levels of calories than typical cardio. Even after you’re finished working out, the body continues to burn calories for a set amount of time. It helps rebuild muscle tissue in the body that may have become damaged.
Keep in mind interval training should last anywhere from 20-30 minutes and you work out in intervals of 1:3 meaning hard vs. easy. You should aim for at least 30 seconds of intense training and 1 or 2 minutes of easy cardio and repeat this 8-15 times.
Strength Training
Strength training is great for increasing muscle mass more than burning calories. That’s why it’s so important to incorporate cardio and strength training when trying to cut back on excess fat. Having lean muscle helps determine calories that are burned on a regular basis. Weight training is great for tightening chest muscles and getting rid of those man boobs. It also helps promote shapely chest muscles which means fat comes off and lean muscle replaces it. This gives you that Channing Tatum look women go ga-ga over!
Ditch the Alcohol
While having the occasional drink is common these days, alcohol is packed with calories and this leads to fat accumulation over time. Alcohol intake can suppress the production of plasma testosterone. On top of being calorie dense, it can lead to hanging on to that man cleavage you are trying to eliminate. Put the drink down for a little bit while working on getting your man chest back.
Eat Like a Dude
Nutrition is key to losing fat and keeping it off. Belly fat is common and when you eat like a man you can also eliminate fat in other parts of the body as well as in the abdominal area. Don’t put yourself on a strict diet though. Don’t spend your day nibbling and eating like a rabbit. Putting tight restrictions on the foods you eat leads to reduced levels in testosterone and can contribute to re-feeding gynecomastia. Eat like you normally would but do watch caloric intake without going to the extreme.
Bench Press
This exercise should become your new favorite. It targets the chest muscles allowing you to strengthen and tighten the muscles. This leads to that physique you want. You’ll be taking your shirt off in no time with this exercise. Because of the large and heavy compound movements that come with lifting weights, you’ll be kicking your hormonal balance into high gear.
Eliminating man boobs isn’t as impossible as some think. It takes work and the right exercises to target those key muscles.
If you’re looking to accelerate this process, take a look at this program by Garry Davidson, How to Lose Man Boobs Fast
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