Probiomune by Smartbiotics Review – Digestive Health Boost?

Two of the most commonly-asked about issues that we get emails about are regarding the digestive and immune system. It seems like nowadays people are always run down and dealing with some kind of cold or flu. Thankfully, life doesn’t have to feel that way for you! Did you know that your immune system is closely tied to your digestive tract? If your digestive tract is healthy, you’re less likely to experience physical discomfort like bloating, gas, cramping, or other symptoms. Likewise, you’re more likely to be able to fight off colds easier than ever before. The problem today is that many people eat food that is unhealthy, packed with preservatives, and don’t promote proper health. There is a solution available for you made by Smartbiotics: Probiomune.
Probiomune Review
Better Digestion in a Bottle?
A lot of people don’t realize that a healthy gut is a healthy body. In order to have optimal digestive health, you’ve got to feed your body not only the right foods, but the right supplements. Probiotics have finally hit mainstream, with doctors and natural health practitioners alike promoting the heck out of them. The reason for this, is that medical studies have shown that in order to maximize your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and to maintain proper balance within your digestive system, having good bacteria is vital. You read that right – bacteria can in fact, be GOOD!
A probiotic formula is a type of supplement that provides your body with good, healthy bacteria. Probiomune is a supplement that says it does exactly that – provide good bacteria to your body so that it can absorb nutrients better and improve your body’s immune system. Here’s the question though, does Probiomune really work?
Does Probiomune Work?
When we tested out this supplement we wanted to make sure that we had no other interactions that could throw our test off. Two of us, Jeff and Liz, decided to try Probiomune, so for three days, we didn’t take any other supplements. We followed the instructions on the bottle, which was to take one capsule daily. We opted to take both of ours in the morning.
Day 1: No noticeable difference in how either of us felt.
Day 2: Same as Day 1, did not notice much of a difference in anything.
Day 3: Jeff said that he felt that after lunch he had more energy than on Days 1 and 2. Liz did not notice a difference yet.
Day 4: Jeff said that his digestive system felt really good compared to the week prior. No discomfort, and noticed an increase in energy. Liz began to feel a difference on Day 4. She said that the bloated feeling she sometimes got after dinner was no longer there.
Day 5: Both Jeff and Liz felt fantastic, more energy, better rest.
Day 6: Both Jeff and Liz reported feeling just as good as Day 5.
Day 7: Liz said that all of her coworkers had fallen ill after a conference they had gone to, but she was still doing great. Jeff reported no other changes, still felt great.
After seven days, our two sample testers said they felt fantastic. Liz noticed a difference with her immune system in just a week! She managed to dodge a cold that had been going around. She swears that it had to have been the Probiomune at work.
Probiomune Ingredients
Each serving of Probiomune contains 250mg of Vitamin C, 15mg of Zinc, and 300mg of LR5988 Gut Immune Health Matrix, which is a combination of healthy bacteria which include Lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactospore bacillus coagulans. Both probiotics are known to promote digestive health, helping to boost the gastrointestinal barrier, which keeps the nasty stuff out of your body!
Probiomune: Great Value and It Works!
We’re really happy with Probiomune. Several of us have become fans and have ended up buying it for ourselves, because you can’t beat the price for the value that you obtain from it.
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