Thermogenics: Do Fat Burners Work?

Thermogenics, or advanced, all-natural fat-burning supplements, are designed to enhance the metabolism and speed up the release of stored fat cells. Caffeine, epinephrine, and other similar components are known to release fat loss throughout the body, making thermogenics one of the best ways to boost your fat loss efforts. Unlike other types of supplements, thermogenics directly act on stored fat deposits at the cellular level.
Benefits of Thermogenics

Thermogenics are fat burners that help get your metabolism fired up!
By acting on the body’s stored fat cells, thermogenics help to release stored fat, boost endurance, and help you feel stronger during workouts. They have been proven to boost energy restoration and overall functioning throughout athletic performance. Additionally, by adding heat generation at the cellular level, thermogenics allow you to exercise faster, stronger, and longer. Their primary benefit, however, is enhanced fat release in the stomach, buttocks, thighs, and arms.
Types of Thermogenics
Thermogenics come in a variety of forms, starting with caffeine and green tea being two of the best. These two simple ingredients will help you start burning fat faster and getting more bang during your workouts.
Other thermogenics include chromium pincolinate, which helps to increase lean muscle tissue growth and keep your appetite low, as well as keeping your blood sugar at a stable level. Guarana, or a Brazilian herb that is used to help reduce levels of tiredness and increase overall stamina, is helpful when you feel very tired from the heat and also when you need a little mental boost.
Another important thermogenic is hydroxycitric acid, also known as the extract of Garcinia Cambogia, which helps to improve serotonin. This means it suppresses appetite, leads to greater energy and positive mood, and helps to inhibit overall production of fat in the body.
Thermogenics and Their Effect on the Metabolism
Metabolically speaking, thermogenics are one of the best ways to boost your metabolism without adding more exercise or weight lifting. In numerous studies, it’s been found that energy expenditure rates have risen to as much as 15% beyond their normal levels when thermogenics were used. Additionally, more fat (stored) was released with a much higher total fat loss over each month the product was used.
Over 10 weeks, one study found an average of five and a half pounds for sedentary individuals while finding a 2-5% reduction in body fat for those who incorporated mild to moderate exercise.
Muscle Growth and Performance from Thermogenics
Thermogenics are known to result in much higher levels of muscle mass acquisition and are safer than steroids or other fat burners. As proven from studies done in VO2 capacity, increased cardio ability is a result of thermogenics, as well as better muscle mass gain — which results in more fat loss at the same time.
While thermogenic supplements may not translate into greater power output (you’ll need a nitric oxide supplement for that), they help with muscle endurance, which means your muscle fibers contract more during exercise. Thus, more reps will build greater muscle as long as you recover with a well-rounded protein shake after workouts.
The key is to time your use of supplements in such a way that you’ll get the added endurance boost right before your workout, making it easier to complete.
Additional Benefits
Thermogenics have also been shown to reduce blood sugar levels as well as blood lipids, meaning less appetite cravings and less body fat on the whole. Since your body responds to thermogenics the same way it will to vigorous exercise, positive mood-boosting supplements, or any other type of stimulant, you’ll be able to reap the benefits very quickly.
5-HTP and Flaxseed are two important thermogenic supplements that help to suppress appetite boost serotonin, and suppress the body’s pain response. This allows you to have better workouts while also feeling more positive mood effects throughout the entire day.
When used wisely, thermogenics have a number of benefits including increased muscle mass gain, overall greater fat burning ability, and the ability to suppress appetite. If you’re looking for a way to feel stronger and have a more positive mood, thermogenics are a good way to help. They’ll also get you through incredibly tough workouts if you’re facing a plateau in your regime.
The key is to shop smart; find the best supplements that are made from all-natural ingredients in trusted, USDA-approved facilities. User reviews with generally positive feedback are also important, as customer ratings tell you a lot about how effective any given product may be.
If you’re looking for natural fat burners, you may consider at taking a look at the following product reviews:
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