What are the benefits of 5-HTP?

There is a wide section of people who do not agree to the fact that taking controlled quality of some supplements can give them great health benefits. One such supplement is the 5-Hydroxytryptophon most commonly known as 5-HTP. 5-HTP is a byproduct of an amino acid L-tryptophan, which in turn is produced from the seeds of a famous plant called Griffonia simplicifolia. This plant is generally found in the African region. The L-tryptophan acid is known for its protein building abilities. It is important to note that since the 5-HTP is derived from the natural seeds, it is considered to be much more effective than other such supplements like SSRI.
5-HTP Benefits
How does 5-HTP work?
Human body is known to contain a chemical called serotonin. This chemical is found in the brains and is known to control mood, appetite and stress levels of both animals and humans. The functioning of the cardiovascular, renal, immune, and gastrointestinal systems is influenced by this chemical that is produced in the brain. It is believed that out of the 40 million brain cells in our body, most are influenced by the Serotonin. Brain cells related to mood, appetite, sleep, sexual desire and memory are all influenced by this chemical. Reasonable amounts of serotonin in the body makes you feel confident, relaxed and happy by reducing depression. It has been found that due to anxiety and stress, the levels of Serotonin get dropped in our body and we do not have too many food items available in the market that help us in increasing this chemical. So, it is advised to depend on the 5-HTP supplements. The 5-HTP supplements help in increasing the levels of this very useful chemical in our body. This way the 5-HTP is able to work with the brain and the central nervous system.
Additional benefits of 5-HTP
As discussed, the 5-HTP controls the Serotonin levels in the body. Because of this, 5-HTP provides a plenty of benefits in the body as increased levels of Serotonin are known to be beneficial for the human body. Some of these benefits are:
Avoid Heart-related problems
It has been found that if a human body lacks the required levels of Serotonin, it can result in a drop of the heart rate. This in turn can lead to heart attacks and strokes. So, by taking the right 5-HTP supplement, you can keep a check on your heart rate and thus avoid all issues related to the heart.
Brain Maturation and Growth
Lack of serotonin in the human brain can lead to improper development of brain, thus leading to diseases like Autism and Down’s syndrome. By increasing the 5-HTP levels in the body, this chemical helps in the maturation of brain.
Helps you relax and feel happier
Feel good factor provided by serotonin is well known. Deficiency of serotonin on your body can lead to increase in tiredness, illness and fatigues. Thus by taking the 5-HTP supplement, you can be more relaxed and feel very happy about yourself.
Skin Benefits
One of the main things that makes our skin to glow is anti-depression. Now since 5-HTP is known to reduce depression it will automatically help your skin to glow naturally.
Avoid sleep disorders
Sleeping disorders also known as Insomnia are a major concern for people now a days. The nights of people suffering from sleeping disorders are characterized by uncontrollable thoughts due to which they are not able to sleep properly. Add to that the chronic fatigue that is caused by extensive work that they do during the daytime and you are bound to have problems like irritation, anxiety etc. Intake of 5-HTP leads to increase in the Serotonin levels, which leads to a control over these problems.
Natural serotonin booster: Boost your mood
Proper sleep, reduced depression, reduced anxiety and reduced stress means the mood of an individual automatically gets better. Serotonin is known as a “Happy” hormone because it relieves you from stress. And by taking controlled levels of 5-HTP you will get the Serotonin levels in your brain increased and thus your mood will always be good and you will be able to enjoy your life much better.
Weight Loss
It has been noticed that an obese person has low levels of Serotonin in his body. This is because lower the level of this very important chemical in your body, higher are your chances of feeling more hungry and thus ending up overeating. People with low Serotonin levels cannot control their appetite. Thus leading to obesity, this in turn is a major input to unwanted feelings like anxiety, depression and irritation. So it is a good idea to include 5-HTP in your otherwise ineffective weight loss programs.
Anti-Aging Properties
Although not known to many, 5-HTP helps in getting rid of the free radical cells. These cells are majorly responsible for damaging the cells and thus leading to aging. Serotonin produced by 5-HTP works as an antioxidant in fighting against these unwanted free radicals and thus working as a good anti-aging agent.
Less Headaches
It has been found that people who suffer from migraines or continuous headaches have lesser levels of Serotonin in their brains. So by taking the 5-HTP supplement along with your regular diet, you will be able to reduce the occurrence of these painful migraines.
Relief from Stress and Depression
Doctors of people who suffer from stress and depression are known to prescribe them medicines that increase the Serotonin levels in their brains. With regular intake of the 5-HTP supplement, you will surely be able to stay away from depression and other related unwanted feelings like self pity, fear, stress and anxiety. Continuously living with such feelings can lead you towards suicide… These feelings should NOT be ignored! If you’re feeling worthless, helpless, and have had thoughts about harming yourself, please get help immediately. It is safe, secure, and confidential. Contact the National Suicide Prevention Line at: 1-800-273-8255.
5-HTP surely is a useful supplement that provides you with so many health benefits. But you have to make sure that you take only controlled amounts of this supplement. Serotonin only works when taken in controlled and specified limits. Too much of Serotonin can lead to fatigue. So take the 5-HTP supplement in controlled limits to boost your energy and get rid of Depression, sleep disorders and other related problems. Just try incorporating 5-HTP supplements now and get your cravings, stress and anger levels reduced, which in turn will get you a good night’s sleep.
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